Eastern Pacific Dive Destinations

Vancouver, Canada
Nautilus Explorer: http://www.nautilusexplorer.com/
The 116′ Nautilus Explorer was launched in 2000 as an expedition yacht and is a very spacious vessel specifically built to cruise B.C. and Alaska in all weather and in great comfort. Guests often comment on the smooth and quiet ride and how nice it is to be on a new, well designed and spotlessly clean vessel.

Diving is our passion and we offer specialized dive trips from March through November. Visits to Port Hardy, Hakai Pass, the Queen Charlotte Islands and the outer coast of Alaska are all on our dive schedule as well as the old favourites like the Gulf Islands, Race Rocks and Campbell River.

Eastern Pacific Dive Destinations

Your safety, comfort and enjoyment are our biggest concerns. Our vessel has every kind of Coast Guard certificate you can imagine including SOLAS certification for international voyages, a Load Line Certificate, Health Canada and U.S. Public Health Service approval and a ISM certificate issued by Lloyds Register. My wife Mary Anne, our crew and I invite you to explore both our website and our unique part of the world. We hope that you will join us.

Michael Lever
Owner and Captain
Nautilus Explorer